Arm Care Programs

Welcome to the Overhead Athletic

Advanced Rotator Cuff Complete

This advanced rotator cuff program was designed to build upon the base that was built in the Rotator Cuff Complete Program (RTC) which is available for free. This 6 week progression will focus on the intensity and specificity of rotator cuff and periscapular muscle exercises. If you have recently completed therapy with us or have completed 6-12 weeks of specific rotator cuff strengthening this is the next step on your journey to arm health and peak performance.

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Our mission is to keep athletes safe and this is just one way we can prove it to you!

The rotator cuff and scapula make up the shoulder complex. The stresses of the throwing motion on the shoulder are greater than any other athletic activity.

The muscles of the RTC are very small and perform a very specific task.

During the throwing motion they are responsible for stabilizing and centering the head of the humerus in the socket.

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They compress the shoulder in the socket. The exercises that will assist in this process must be extremely precise and specific to the demands of the overhead athlete. There are thousands of exercises that are available that are intended to strengthen the RTC and shoulder stabilizers. I was exposed to many of these during my therapy as a professional pitcher and have prescribed thousands myself. During my therapy I did the exercises wrong and created more of a positional shift in my shoulder that prolonged my rehab. It wasn’t until I started to investigate the purpose of exercise in my physical therapy education that I realized why I had such a hard time recovering from my surgeries. My mechanics were the cause of my injury but the exercises I did to strengthen my shoulder caused part of the problem. This is why I thought it was so important to expose the correct way to do RTC and scapular stabilization exercise. I turn on the TV every day and see professional pitchers with bands attached to fence posts doing RTC exercises incorrectly. It still amazes me that even at that level there isn’t more attention paid to the specificity of exercise with that much money being paid to these athletes. I have learned through working with thousands of throwers that the key to a strong RTC and injury free performance is not how much exercise you do, but how you do it and for what specific purpose.

Each exercise that I chose for our RTC complete program I use every day.

Narrowing down the number was the most difficult part. I wanted athletes to benefit the most from the most beneficial exercises. This is why I included these 12 exercises, which I know if done correctly will keep you further away from injury and help keep you on the field.

Each exercise must be done perfectly in order for it to be effective.   We will demonstrate how and also explain why so you can know what to do and why you need to do it right. Nothing makes me more upset than when I see a pitcher who ends up injured that already went to therapy once and ends up re-injured because the exercises given to them weren’t explained thoroughly and demonstrated correctly.

I am elated that you have found your way to our website and want you to benefit from our experience regardless of whether you decide to purchase our program, which is why I am offering this to you at no cost.

I want exercises for the RTC done right and believe that you should have this knowledge as well.

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