In order to train a biomechanically efficient throwing motion it is necessary to understand the importance of each individual phase. Each phase leads to the next.
Our BSMA evaluation and corrective exercise program train the entire athlete. We give athletes the tools to prepare their body for the movements required to deliver the ball towards its intended target without structural or functional deficits. Our phase specific program creates the correct neuromuscular coordination required to throw much harder. Understanding the forces on the shoulder and elbow during each of the stress producing phases gives us the knowledge to train the throwing motion correctly. The most appropriate individuals to train athletes are the ones who have to rehabilitate them after they are injured.
There are core absolutes in the throwing motion that must be understood and perfected to allow an athlete to maximize their performance. Every athlete is different. Designing a phase specific program has taken years to develop and will take monumental effort on your part. Each phase must be perfected in order to move to the next. Throwing protocols do not work. They don’t work unless there is a pathway that ensures that the athlete is using their anatomy efficiently. The throwing motion is complicated and difficult. The key is placing your body in the right position at the right time. We will show you how to position your entire kinetic chain in three dimensional space to provide you with the opportunity to understand how the body works to create force. We will also position your upper and lower extremities during the individual phases of the throwing motion to protect against unnecessary force being placed on the throwing arm that can lead to injury.

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