Arm Alloy: Complete Rehabilitation and Training of the Throwing Athlete

Arm Alloy: Complete Rehabilitation and Training of the Throwing Athlete

Training and rehabilitation of throwing athletes often lacks a holistic approach that is based on the fundamental sciences that govern how we move, heal, and think. Successful rehabilitation of complex throwing related injuries requires a culmination of in-depth knowledge of biomechanics, physiology, motor learning, and orthopedic injuries. Likewise, peak performance is never truly attained without a blend of interventions focused around the aforementioned sciences. This book will combine these sciences with experience of the art of sport to create an actionable approach that is aimed at altering the perspective of high-level coaches and clinicians who rehabilitate and train baseball players.

Numerous athletes, in fact thousands of athletes walk into the physician's office or physical therapy clinic daily with throwing injuries. Frankly, many of these athletes may never throw another ball competitively again. A specific and proven approach to optimizing their healing and recovery can get these athletes back on the field. Furthermore, quality assessment and training of these athletes prior to injury may have prevented future injury while simultaneously allowing the athlete to realize their full potential on the field.

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