Our exercises are designed to increase the static and dynamic rotational stability of the entire kinetic chain throughout the various phases of the overhead throwing motion.
Each exercise must be performed to perfection in order for them to have functional correlation to the physiological demands placed on the musculoskeletal system. The exercises increase the elastic range of the muscles that control dynamic movement during the overhead motion. This is the most important variable that can be altered with an overhead athlete that can lead to increased speed and protect the athlete from injury.
Specificity of exercise has been extensively researched but a program that allows athletes to increase their capability of acquiring the positions necessary to produce power has never been created. UNTIL NOW.
This program specifically addresses the weaknesses and flexibility deficits that we have researched that rob athletes of power.
Performing this program requires absolute attention to detail. Speed during the throwing motion does not come from power but from the maximization of your kinematic sequence. The only way to do this is to increase your rotational stability and your elastic range of contraction.
There are many programs available on the Internet today. We investigated these programs searching for functional or medical substantiation. We were disappointed that most of them had little clinical evidence supporting their programs or claims. At the OAI, we set out to separate ourselves from these individuals and have done so.
We are certain that you have not seen anything like this program because we know it doesn’t exist.
Exercises are categorized into two sections: static and dynamic.
We first create static stability and then superimpose dynamic stability to maximize performance. Each exercise has a direct correlation to our phase specific throwing program.
There is only one way to create speed and that is to practice speed. Anything else is a colossal waste of time.
The term “core strength” is seen and heard everywhere but how to train it for the throwing motion is not well understood. Exercising incorrectly can have the exact opposite effect for a thrower. Beginning and finishing an exercise in the right place is just as important as how much is done. Starting with static stability ensures that athletes will not reinforce incorrect movement patterns and forces athletes to focus on the right way to progress.