The purpose of the dynamic exercises is to incorporate controlled rotational stability with combined upper and lower extremity movement patterns.
The throwing motion is a violent three dimensional combined movement pattern. It requires rotational stability and dynamic flexibility from beginning to end. The body will always follow the path of least resistance. These exercises will challenge you to create a better more efficient pathway that will lead to your true potential. The effort required controlling the position of the trunk and core during these exercises is just as important as the exercise itself. Deviation away from midline or loss of core pelvic positioning defeats the purpose of our exercises.
Remember: the only way to accelerate a ball efficiently is to maintain your posture throughout the acceleration and deceleration phases of the throwing motion.
Progression through our dynamic stability exercises allows athletes to fully benefit from our phase specific positioning and kinematic sequence throwing program. Our exercises need to be performed with an SFMA band to ensure proper performance. Performing in front of a mirror or with supervision is the best way to accomplish this. We recommend performing with partners to maximize your outcome.
The ability to accelerate a ball powerfully and quickly has absolutely nothing to do with the power of your muscles. It has everything to do with those muscles having a greater elastic range, more controlled stability and their impact on maximizing your kinematic sequence.
The dynamic portion of our program is dependent on your ability to maintain your posture during the exercise, once again maximize your excursion, and perform exercise fluidly. We are creating a new physical and neural pathway that prepares you for our phase specific throwing program. The more rotational stability you have, the better you will perform.