Best Exercises for Scapular Dyskinesis (Mid Low Trap Beginner to Advanced)

Weak mid and low traps can result in an array of dysfunction and pain for overhead athletes due to the inability to control the position of their scapula with scapular winging, dyskinesis, and malpositioning. The middle trapezius and lower trapezius are responsible for eccentrically stabilizing the scapula in the deceleration phases of the throwing motion.

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Baseball Exercises For Arm Strength

We have had many questions on how to increase arm strength for baseball players. All baseball players, not just pitchers, need to strengthen their throwing arms and this doesn’t happen by throwing a ball. To improve arm strength baseball players should have a specific and effective arm strengthening routine. This video will go through 5

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Welcome to OAI

Welcome to Overhead Athletic Institute: Medical Management and Performance Enhancement for Overhead Athletes The OAI exercise program is designed to address specific individual aspects of muscle activation, proximal stabilization, and RTC strength, each of which has been shown to contribute to efficient pitching mechanics. These exercises must be performed perfectly in order for them to be remotely

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OAI Static Stability Exercises

Static stability exercises must include proper positioning throughout the entire excursion of motion to have the intended physiological and stabilization effect. Deviation from the correct positioning defeats the purpose of the exercise. At the OAI we create more rotational stability and elastic range in your tissues to allow athletes to use the individual phases of our throwing

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OAI Dynamic Stability Exercises

The purpose of the dynamic exercises is to incorporate controlled rotational stability with combined upper and lower extremity movement patterns. The throwing motion is a violent three dimensional combined movement pattern.  It requires rotational stability and dynamic flexibility from beginning to end. The body will always follow the path of least resistance. These exercises will challenge you

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Questions To Ask Yourself When Choosing An Overhead Athletic Program

There are individuals on the Internet right now (former professional pitchers, college athletes, strength and conditioning coaches) that spend most of their time invalidating each other in order to substantiate their programs. Many of these individuals use disparaging comments about the specificity of speed and weight training, weighted ball usage, or weighted vests and how none of

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OAI Exercises

Our exercises are designed to increase the static and dynamic rotational stability of the entire kinetic chain throughout the various phases of the overhead throwing motion. Each exercise must be performed to perfection in order for them to have functional correlation to the physiological demands placed on the musculoskeletal system.  The exercises increase the elastic range of

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Maximize Your Muscle Type

Specificity of Types of Muscle Fibers Type IIB and Type IIA Muscle Fiber Types and Specificity Type IIB muscle fibers are fast twitch glycolytic and are the speed producers.  Type IIA muscle fibers are fast twitch oxidative and are intermediate speed producers.  Structured training has been proven to make our recruitment of muscle types more efficient.  The recruitment

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Classification and Mechanism of Common Shoulder Injuries in Throwing Athletes

Electromyographic (EMG) studies have determined the peak muscle activity in the Cocking, Acceleration, and Deceleration Phases of the throwing motion required to center the shoulder in the socket. Scapulothoracic positioning during each of these phases is of paramount importance and is a multifaceted evaluation process. Mobility of the scapula around the rib cage must be assessed

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Compensations In The Throwing Motion That Rob You Of Speed

The throwing motion has been divided into many different phases. At the OAI we break down the throwing motion into 8 phases. We evaluate each individual phase to determine if the athlete is maintaining stability and using their body correctly to create effortless velocity and power. These are the Eight Phases (in order of how they

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Stop Long Toss Immediately

Long Toss has been used by many coaches and teams as a means to increase arm strength and endurance. There has never been any statistical justification or evidence based research study to support this anecdotal method of training. Long toss does more damage than good. Avoid hurting your arm. Don’t change your angles. Stop long

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Rotator Cuff Complete

The Rotator Cuff’s role in the throwing motion is to center the humeral head of the shoulder in the socket of the scapula. The muscles of the Rotator Cuff (RTC) and the muscles that attach the shoulder blade (scapula) to the rib cage control the position that the shoulder stays in during every phases of the throwing motion. 

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The Importance of Pronation in Pitching

Pronation timed appropriately is extremely important especially for someone who has undergone a reconstruction. Our bodies are hardwired to move certain ways based on physiology, joint orientation, posture, neuromuscular tone, genetics, hyper or hypomobility, etc. etc.  Over supination or supination maintained too late in the throwing motion is often catastrophic for throwing athletes. The only absolute

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